Monday, July 24, 2017

Tips For Cleaning Pet Stains

No matter how wonderful your beloved pet is  there are bound to be accidents eventually, the cause of which can range from illness to fright to the wrong combination of foods. The stains left behind can permeate just about any surface they come into contact with, leaving behind a mess that can become part of the household if not addressed appropriately. There are ways to avoid the impact of impending pet stains and preventative maintenance is the key to success.

The first step is to create a small, inexpensive pet cleaning kit that can be created for less than $40 but can save thousands of dollars in pet related damage. All that is needed to create this is a small cleaning caddy with a few soft rags that absorb well, and two spray bottles - one filled with ordinary soda water and the other left empty. Next, make a visit to your local janitorial supply house and you'll be pleased to discover they carry what are commonly known in the industry as "animal enzymes" which are specifically designed to remove pet stains like dog or cat urine or feces and some can even remove animal blood. Once you have these it's a simple task to whip up the exact amount needed instantly when a pet accident occurs.

Next up to to attend to two important aspects of domestic pet management. First make certain that everything in your home that does not move (and some things that can) are treated with stain resistant chemical to help prevent pet accidents from being absorbed. Many of these you can apply yourself and represent a significant savings over professional services. This is important so that if your pet has an issue while no one is at home the impact will be minimal. Lastly, keep your pet as clean as you can. This does not mean that your pet needs a daily bath, but a few baby wipes and a 2 minute daily combing will take a few pounds of grime from your pet's coat over the course of a year.

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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Tips For Cleaning Gold Plated Watches

Cleaning jewelry of any kind can often be a troublesome proposition in terms of
getting items clean without damage, but in the case of how to clean gold plated
watches the wrong actions can ruin an otherwise nice watch beyond repair. In
order to clean gold plated watches correctly it needs to be understood that gold
plating is in many cases incredibly thin - in some instances gold plating on
watches may only be a few thousandths of an inch thick. It is because of this
that excessive and aggressive measures taken to clean gold plated watches will
result in actually removing the gold plating from the base metal, leaving a
horrific surface of oddly matched colors and materials. Regardless of what some
so-called experts on the subject recommend, common sense dictates that any
strong cleaner be avoided when cleaning gold plated watches, including the use
of brushes of all types.

One of the main reasons why gold plated watches become dirty is due to oxidation
that occurs from the gold plating coming into contact with moisture and body
oils that emanate fro the wearer's skin. As these accumulate on a gold plated
watch tarnish forms which can become rock-hard and very difficult to remove. A
good rule of thumb is to always error on the side of caution when you clean a
gold plated watch - it is better to clean the watch gently ten times or more
than to do it once and ruin the watch. An easy way to soften the tarnish on gold
plated watches is to simply take a dripping wet cotton ball and carefully apply
moisture to the excessively dirty areas, being careful not to allow water to
enter the watch mechanism. After several applications of water applied in this
manner, tarnish can often be removed by rubbing the gold plated watch gently
with a dry cotton ball.

If after the aforementioned process the gold watch is still dirty, the watch can
be cleaned using ordinary toothpaste. On a small saucer place a small amount of
non-gel toothpaste and several tablespoons of hot water and mix them together
thoroughly until they become a watery substance. This can be applied to a gold
plated watch and gently agitated with a cotton ball, and then carefully rinsed
several times with warm water and then dried. To clean gold plated watches in
this fashion it is imperative to rub gently and ensure that the watch has been
rinsed completely to remove any traces of toothpaste which may serve to initiate

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Saturday, July 15, 2017

How To Clean An Area Rug

Area rugs are a great addition to the decor of any home in adding color to the overall aesthetics, but they also do much more that we don't always realize - they provide a much needed barrier to remove dirt from shoes before it spreads everywhere. It is because of this that area rugs ten to take a beating and when the time comes to clean them they can be so soiled that they will never return to their former glory no matter what we do.

The first and most important tip for cleaning area rugs is to try to keep them as clean as possible at all times. While this may at first glance seem as an arduous task it is really not too tough, it just takes the will power to stick to a regular cleaning routine. There's a reason why Granny used to beat her rugs on a clothesline with a broom, and it's because even a vacuum cleaner cannot get the dirt that gets trapped deep within an area rug. When the area rug gets wet as it is prone to on a rainy day the dirt becomes liquified and when the rug dries you have a massive dark spot that can be nearly impossible to get out. Beating large rugs prevents this on large rugs and smaller ones can be shaken vigorously to accomplish the same outcome.

Area rugs should also be spot cleaned with ordinary soap and cold water when an accident occurs but remember what goes in as soap must be removed as well. Most commercial soaps have some sort of petroleum in them, and if a rug holds a fair amount of soap residue it can actually draw and trap excessive dust and dirt in the rug.

Lastly, when the time arrives for a thorough area rug cleaning just give is a good shake or beating and then place it into the clothes washer on a gentle setting using cold water to prevent color fading and shrinking. When done hang the area rug to dry naturally and it should look great and be ready for use in 48 hours or less.

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How To Clean Baseball Caps

Baseball caps have become a valuable addition to every wardrobe in recent years as a popular accessory to casual dress for both men and women, Due to the cost of some baseball caps (many costing upwards of $35) extra care needs to be taken when cleaning baseball caps so that they do not become ruined during the cleaning processes applied to them. Most modern baseball caps are made of polyester, some with plastic inserted into the bills that can be shrunk or even melted if exposed to harsh cleaning measures. The standard practice of simply placing a baseball cap in a washing machine followed by a trip to the clothes dryer is a certain death sentence for the cap, but there are a few tricks that can make certain your baseball cap lives a full life.

The first and most important step for cleaning baseball caps is to purchase a "cap cage" or a hard plastic protective device that the baseball cap is placed into to ensure it retains it's shape during cleaning. These are relatively inexpensive (usually under $10) and worth every penny for anyone that owns more than a single baseball cap.

Once a device to keep the baseball cap in it's original shape has been obtained there are a number of ways the cap can be washed. For a baseball cap that is minimally soiled hand washing in a product like Woolite works very well. A baseball cap that is moderately soiled can be hand washed using a stronger commercial laundry detergent, but a very dirty baseball cap will usually only come clean if run through a cycle in the clothes washer while attached to a baseball cap protector. If a baseball cap needs to be washed in the washing machine it is a smart move to check the hat every five minutes or so by opening the washer lid to ensure it has not become tangled in the agitating mechanism.

When the baseball cap has been washed thoroughly the last step is to utilize the proper drying process to ensure the cap does not shrink. Drying in the clothes dryer while possible is really not the best way to go - air drying naturally works great if the hat is not needed for immediate wear. While the baseball cap is still in to protective cage simply hang it where air is allowed to circulate around it and in about 24 hours or so the cap will be clean, in perfect condition and ready to wear.

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How To Clean Granite Counter Tops

The presence of granite counter tops can add an immediate sense of warmth,  style and elegance to any kitchen but along with their positive attributes comes the requirement to know how to clean and maintain them properly. Neglected or abused granite countertops can show signs of wear quickly despite their innate hardness, as scratches, stains and a loss of luster can make granite become unattractive before it's time. Armed with nothing more than a small bit of knowledge and some good old-fashioned common sense you can assure that your granite countertops will look beautiful for a lifetime.

The first tip for cleaning granite countertops is to realize that while granite is incredibly hard and stain resistant it has soft mineral properties as well that can be harmed by harsh cleaners. Additionally, many granite countertops have been polished to a high sheen during the manufacturing process and this glossy shine can be removed rather easily by using the wrong cleaning agent. To top these issues off, granite countertops can be scratched which provides an opportunity for dirt to amass in the crevices that have been created. This is the point where common sense applies to keeping your granite countertops in good shape by not sliding items on them or using them as a cutting board. This also applies to being careful not to place foods or liquids that are naturally high in acidic content on your granite countertop - lemon, orange and other citrus juices can cause damage quickly.

To clean your granite countertops simply take a wet sponge and place a few drops of degreasing dish detergent on it and then wipe the countertop thoroughly. Next, rinse the granite countertop using warm water and then dry the countertop using a soft cotton cloth. Keep a spray bottle filled with one-third rubbing alcohol and two-thirds water handy, spraying the granite countertops every few days to help disinfect and retain a good shine.

Beyond the aforementioned steps for cleaning granite countertops it is a very good idea to occasionally take a soft cloth and hand polish the granite countertops once a month or so to make an impact on the shine. Lastly, as per manufacturers directions most granite countertops requires that a sealant be reapplied every year or two to protect your investment. In the case of a severe stain seek professional assistance - the money is well spent when compared to the cost of new granite countertops.

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How To Clean A Cutting Board

Cleaning you kitchen and it's components that are used to prepare foods can protect the health of your family from food associated illnesses, and among the most basic of these is to clean the kitchen cutting board frequently. When considered how often the average home utilizes a cutting board in the kitchen, it is probably the single largest potential threat to continued good health. Cleaning the kitchen cutting board requires that it not only be cleaned with soap and water to appear clean, but must also be sanitized with stains removed and stored properly for future use. Whether the cutting board in your kitchen is made of wood or plastic has no bearing, as each need to be germ-free prior to each occasion it is used in preparing meals.

The first step to cleaning the kitchen cutting board is to scrape all visible food particles from the board and then wash the board with soap using the hottest water available. For homeowners that have a dishwasher with an antibacterial cycle this task can be completed with less effort by placing the cutting board in the dishwasher - if not, good old-fashioned hand scrubbing with a piece of steel wool works just as well in most instances.

After washing, if the kitchen cutting board appears to be stained it is not really clean because the stains represent remainders of foods. A great tip for cleaning the kitchen cutting board and removing the build up of stains is to purchase an ordinary box of sea salt. Wet the cutting board with hot water and while still warm quickly pour a liberal amount of sea salt on the stained areas and allow it to sit over night. The next morning rinse the cutting board thoroughly in hot water. Next in a small cup add several tablespoons of sea salt and a very small amount of water, stirring the mixture into a thick paste. Use this paste and a small stiff scrub brush to eliminate any remaining stains and then wash the cutting board in soap and water and allow it to dry.

The last steps to clean the kitchen cutting board is to sanitize the item and then to store it away properly until the next use. Spray the cutting board with a mixture of one part chlorine bleach and three parts water and allow it to sit for at least ten minutes. Wash and rinse the cutting board once again using soap and water and then allow it to air dry. When dry the cutting board can be stored by wrapping it in ordinary plastic kitchen wrap.

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Cleaning Tips For Stuffed Animals

Just about every home has a stuffed animal or two present and while they can be a cute addition to the
general decor, stuffed animals can be troublesome to clean and difficult to dry without damaging. Whether the stuffed animal is a child's snuggle buddy or an expensive stuffed animal used for decoration they can be impossible to replace, but with a good plan and due diligence most stuffed animals turn out nicely following routine cleaning. The key to cleaning stuffed animals is to inspect each item closely to find which cleaning method is appropriate for a specific condition, as not all cleaning methods are suitable for varying fabric types used in making the animal's fur.

The more pedestrian stuffed animals that are inexpensive in style can generally be spot cleaned to remove any heavy traffic areas and then 'dry cleaned" using baking soda as a cleaning agent. First, use the liquid cleaning chemical of your choice and spray the areas of the stuffed animal that have stains or excessive wear, gently agitate the stained area and then blot dry with a clean cloth. When the animal is completely dry place it into a paper bag with an ample amount of baking soda and then shake the bag vigorously for about two or three minutes. In cases of very large stuffed animals you can use the same method only using a plastic trash bag instead of the paper bag. After removing the stuffed animal from the bag brush it off using your hands and most of the dirt should be gone.

For cleaning stuffed animals that are extremely dirty your clothes washer comes into play, but there is a simple trick to clean stuffed animals that will prevent them from being damaged. The limbs of stuffed animals can get torn or caught in a washer's moving parts, so to avoid this they can be tied inside of a pillow case or t-shirt. After cleaning stuffed animals in this manner they can be dried carefully in a clothes dryer for fifteen minutes at a time, checking frequently to avoid damage or shrinking.

For expensive stuffed animals or ones that are of high quality, it is always a good idea to have them professionally cleaned by a dry cleaner. A professional cleaner has access to chemicals and processes that cannot be performed at home and the cost is minimal to make a stuffed animal look new again.

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