Saturday, July 15, 2017

How To Clean An Area Rug

Area rugs are a great addition to the decor of any home in adding color to the overall aesthetics, but they also do much more that we don't always realize - they provide a much needed barrier to remove dirt from shoes before it spreads everywhere. It is because of this that area rugs ten to take a beating and when the time comes to clean them they can be so soiled that they will never return to their former glory no matter what we do.

The first and most important tip for cleaning area rugs is to try to keep them as clean as possible at all times. While this may at first glance seem as an arduous task it is really not too tough, it just takes the will power to stick to a regular cleaning routine. There's a reason why Granny used to beat her rugs on a clothesline with a broom, and it's because even a vacuum cleaner cannot get the dirt that gets trapped deep within an area rug. When the area rug gets wet as it is prone to on a rainy day the dirt becomes liquified and when the rug dries you have a massive dark spot that can be nearly impossible to get out. Beating large rugs prevents this on large rugs and smaller ones can be shaken vigorously to accomplish the same outcome.

Area rugs should also be spot cleaned with ordinary soap and cold water when an accident occurs but remember what goes in as soap must be removed as well. Most commercial soaps have some sort of petroleum in them, and if a rug holds a fair amount of soap residue it can actually draw and trap excessive dust and dirt in the rug.

Lastly, when the time arrives for a thorough area rug cleaning just give is a good shake or beating and then place it into the clothes washer on a gentle setting using cold water to prevent color fading and shrinking. When done hang the area rug to dry naturally and it should look great and be ready for use in 48 hours or less.

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