Monday, July 24, 2017

Tips For Cleaning Pet Stains

No matter how wonderful your beloved pet is  there are bound to be accidents eventually, the cause of which can range from illness to fright to the wrong combination of foods. The stains left behind can permeate just about any surface they come into contact with, leaving behind a mess that can become part of the household if not addressed appropriately. There are ways to avoid the impact of impending pet stains and preventative maintenance is the key to success.

The first step is to create a small, inexpensive pet cleaning kit that can be created for less than $40 but can save thousands of dollars in pet related damage. All that is needed to create this is a small cleaning caddy with a few soft rags that absorb well, and two spray bottles - one filled with ordinary soda water and the other left empty. Next, make a visit to your local janitorial supply house and you'll be pleased to discover they carry what are commonly known in the industry as "animal enzymes" which are specifically designed to remove pet stains like dog or cat urine or feces and some can even remove animal blood. Once you have these it's a simple task to whip up the exact amount needed instantly when a pet accident occurs.

Next up to to attend to two important aspects of domestic pet management. First make certain that everything in your home that does not move (and some things that can) are treated with stain resistant chemical to help prevent pet accidents from being absorbed. Many of these you can apply yourself and represent a significant savings over professional services. This is important so that if your pet has an issue while no one is at home the impact will be minimal. Lastly, keep your pet as clean as you can. This does not mean that your pet needs a daily bath, but a few baby wipes and a 2 minute daily combing will take a few pounds of grime from your pet's coat over the course of a year.

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