Saturday, July 15, 2017

How To Clean Blood Stains On Clothing

Removing blood stains from clothes can be a difficult proposition for the unenlightened, but for those
 possessing a small bit of knowledge removing blood stains is simply another aspect of common laundry chores. The reason why so many people struggle with removing blood stains from clothes is that when first discovered panic often sets in, followed by a hurried attempt to remove the stain before it sets. In most cases this is approached by using volumes of hot or warm water immediately on the blood stain, which has an irreversible and negative impact on removing the blood stain. The most important aspect of removing a blood stain is to attack it quickly using cold water on a clean cloth, blotting the affected area repeatedly to get as much of the stain out as possible.

The first step to removing blood stains from clothes is to get both the fabric and the blood that is attached to it as cold as possible. This can be accomplished in a number of ways but there are two measures that work like a charm every time. The first is to either submerge the clothing is a tub or sink full of cold water for about 45 minutes or so before attempting to remove the blood stain. The second way is to apply ice to the blood stained area, positioning the ice on the clothing so that it melts naturally over an extended period of time. The lesson here is to get the stain as cold as you can as quickly as you can - you'll be glad you did when the results of your efforts are viewed.

After the clothing in question has received the "cold treatment" the next step for removing blood stains from clothes is to rinse away as much of the stain as possible by placing the garment under cold, running water. Five minutes or so of this should do the trick, with the last step to apply a cleaningagent to remove any remaining blood.

By this time the majority of the blood stain should be removed, with only minor traces of the blood stain remaining. One of the very best cleaningagents to remove blood stains is ordinary meat tenderizer, because it softens and weakens the minerals and enzymes present in blood that causes them to cling to clothing. Sprinkle a small amount or meat tenderizer on the stained area and rub it in by hand and then rinse it away in cold water. Repeat this process several times and with each application the blood stain should diminish. Following this simply wash the garment in the washing machine with ordinary laundry detergent and allow the clothing to air dry and the blood stains should be totally gone.

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